
Coaching Services

Embracing a comprehensive approach to self-improvement pays off

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Reach Your Goals

The guidance and support of an effective coach can put you on the fast track to achieving your goals

Improve Your Health

There's no better way to support your health than to get your exercise, nutrition, and other health behaviors in order.

Boost Your Brain

Exercise and nutrition play important roles in supporting mental health and cognitive performance.

Increase Your Confidence

Success can snowball and confidence can soar when you start to change your habits and reach your goals.

Why work with me?


After obtaining Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Exercise Science, I completed my PhD in Human Movement Science at UNC Chapel Hill. While pursuing my degrees, I completed extensive coursework related to movement, exercise, nutrition, metabolism, psychology, and behavior change.

Personal Experience

After competing in baseball, football, and wrestling in high school, I shifted my focus toward lifting. I previously held a USAPL state squat record in powerlifting, and I earned pro status in natural (drug-free) bodybuilding.

Coaching Experience

I've been coaching a variety of athletes since 2009. I got my start working with wrestlers, football players, and Special Olympics powerlifters. More recently, I've focused on helping people reach a wide range of fitness and wellness goals through my online coaching program.


I've published over 50 peer-reviewed papers and a few book chapters. Most of my research focuses on practical strategies to help people get bigger, stronger, leaner, healthier, or more athletic. I am currently conducting metabolism research at Duke University.

What my clients are saying

Eric had a very methodical approach in the design of his program, tracking of progress and interaction with me as a client. ... Overall, he is an excellent and dedicated coach.


I was blown away with how efficiently we met my goals. This has been the most convenient, efficient, and affordable personal training service I’ve ever been a part of, and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who wants their specific fitness goals met.


As a physician and fitness coach myself, I am seriously impressed by both the quality of coaching as well as personal and caring relationship despite being online.


Their results speak for themselves!

Comprehensive, individualized coaching


100% customized training programs that are tailored to your goals, equipment availability, experience level, and preferences.


Nutrition guidance and education to support your fitness, wellness, and performance goals.

Behavior change and support

Ongoing support to ensure that your goals, behaviors, habits, and mindset are aligned to facilitate your success.

How it works

Fill out the application

Complete the application so I can learn some basic details about you, and get a general sense of what you're looking for. 

Apply Now!
Schedule a call

I'll email you to schedule an introductory call so we can meet to discuss your goals, training history, and all the details needed to create a 100% customized plan.

Submit payment

Choose from three payment options to find the one that's most convenient for you. Secure payments can be made using PayPal or a credit card.

Get started!

Begin your custom-made program so we can start working toward your goals together!

Pick the perfect plan for you


Go one month at a time, with no long-term commitment

$299 USD/month


Save big by committing to a full year of service

$2999 USD/year

One-Time Call

Get a detailed plan in place to pursue your goals

$499 USD/call

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of clients do you work with?

    My experience as a coach and athlete is very broad. As a result, I work with a wide range of clients with goals including:

    Weight loss

    Muscle building

    General fitness/wellness

    Strength competitions

    Physique competitions

    Endurance competitions

    When you apply for coaching, I read your application very closely to make sure we're a great fit. Then, we schedule an introductory call to be even more sure that we're a great fit. If I'm not the right coach for you, I'll happily recommend a different coach who might be a better fit for you.

  • What are your credentials?

    It's important to note that I am not a medical doctor or registered dietitian. My coaching services are intended to support your goals pertaining to fitness and wellness, but they are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or medical condition.

    I hold certifications through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCS*D) and the International Society of Sports Nutrition (CISSN). I've also completed extensive research and/or coursework related to exercise, nutrition, and health behavior.

  • Do your programs include cardio, or lifting only?

    My programs are 100% customized to your individual needs and preferences. So, some contain cardio, and some do not.

  • Do you create meal plans that tell me exactly what to eat every meal?

    I do not. When it comes to nutrition guidance and education, my aim is to help you build skills and knowledge. This ensures that you'll continue to succeed long after time working together comes to an end.

    So, rather than giving you a meal plan, I teach you how to eat in accordance with your goals, priorities, and preferences. It's a valuable set of skills and knowledge that you'll retain for a lifetime.

  • Do I have to track my calories or macros?

    Not necessarily.

    My coaching approach is 100% customized to meet the needs of each client. Based on your goals and preferences, we may utilize calorie tracking, macro tracking, mindful eating, intuitive eating, a combination, or none of the above!

  • Do you offer partial services, like training only or nutrition only?

    I do not.

    I take a very comprehensive approach to coaching, which goes far beyond providing a basic workout plan or a set of macronutrient targets. All of the "pieces" of the program fit together, and changing one element can impact all others.

    Having said that, my emphasis is a little different with each client. Some clients almost exclusively focus on exercise, some almost exclusively focus on nutrition, and some emphasize both equally. Others clients are primarily focused on accountability, behavior change, or other forms of guidance and support. Ultimately, your service will be tailored to your goals, needs, and priorities.

    I am also happy to provide services that are complementary to another coach or service provider. For example, if you'd like me to provide training guidance while you receive nutrition support from a dietitian, I'm more than happy to accommodate that type of request.

Ready to get started?

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